
As the name suggests Robusta® is incredibly robust.

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Cereals New Zealand

Cereals New Zealand Limited develop and distribute the finest varieties from his New Zealand based breeding programme.

Our role is to facilitate, monitor and assess the New Zealand breeding programme. Based on our monitoring we make selections which will be a good fit to meet the needs of the New Zealand arable farmer and end user. We monitor in excess of 350 varieties per annum through nursery, trials, farmer based strip trials and multiplications.  We select varieties based on strength, disease resistance, yield and end user demand.

The development of our first two commercial varieties, Robusta® Soft Feed Wheat and Hardy Hard Feed Wheat has taken nine years from single seed selection to commercialisation.

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As the name suggests Robusta® is incredibly robust.


Robusta® Feed Wheat

As the name suggests Robusta® is incredibly robust. It tolerates low seed rates and only needs moderate agronomic inputs. Its’ yield excelled in the difficult 18 / 19 season (plus 15MT / Ha), in the 19 / 20 season (plus 16MT / Ha), in 20 /21 season (plus 14MT / Ha), in the 21/22 season (plus 15MT / Ha) and in the challenging 22/23 season depending on location it once again achieved (plus 14.5 MT / Ha). In most commercial situations Robusta® was the highest yield on farm. In all years only a very light agronomic programme was needed.


As the name suggests Robusta® is incredibly robust. It tolerates low seed rates and only needs moderate agronomic inputs.

Easy to Grow

Robusta® is easy to grow and has a wide sowing window from 1st week of April through to mid-June. It is well suited in high fertility situations following maize or potatoes.

Lighter Sowing Rate

The variety tillers extremely well, so target plant population is below the norm, at 85 – 90 plants per metre (slightly disadvantaged in 22/23 due to a lack of sunlight over winter and early spring).


Robusta® is early to medium on flowering date but has a very fast grain fill and definitely should be worth part of your wheat strategy for 2023 sowing.


Robusta® comes in 500 Kgs Bulk Bags and 40 Kgs for your convenience and is available ex Ashburton and Timaru from the start of April.

Pricing Model

There are no upfront fees or complicated programmes, just a simple “Breeders Royalty”, to ensure we maintain the New Zealand Breeding Programme.

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